Friday, August 13, 2010

Dialogue Exercise

This week's TRDC meme was an exercise in writing dialogue. I'll be the first to admit that this is surely not my strong suit when it comes to writing. I have, however, found an exercise that really seems to help (a little), and thought I'd share it with anyone who is taking the opportunity to read this humble little blog. I just wish I could remember where I had initially seen the information. The idea is to write out the dialogue as if it were a play or something similar. JUST the dialogue. And then build your story around the words spoken by the characters. Here's one of the drafts I did for the TRDC meme.

Now, mind you, I'm kind of a nerd. I like my Star Wars, and behind Han Solo (simply a love for Harrison Ford) my favourite character is the badass bounty hunter Boba Fett. I tried to imagine what it would be like if Boba was hired simply as a body guard, and that it was for a spoiled rich teenage girl who wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

B: Boba
H: Girl

H: So how long are we going to have to wait?

B: As long as it takes.

H: That's not much of an answer.

B: Doesn't have to be.

H: You don't say much, do you?

B: Nope.

H: I'm bored.

B: Okay.

H: My dad's rich, you know.

B: Of course I know. Why else would I be here on this god-forsaken planet babysitting you?

H: Babysitting? I don't need a babysitter!

B: I'm sure you don't. But you dada disagrees.

H: Can't we go out? I hate being cooped up.

B: No.

H: But it's awful in here, and it smells.

B: Go to sleep.

H: I'm not tired.

B: Then just lay there.

H: Can I have a glass of water?

B: No. Go to sleep.


  1. This kinda reminds me of Waiting for Godot.


  2. Thank you! I had to look that up, honestly, and now I think I'll be heading to the library to check it out :)
